Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Some more recent Layouts

I have no idea why some of these are tiny. I scanned them all at the same time & stitched them all at the same time & uploaded them all at the same time... it's a mystery I guess...
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Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Two outrageous stories in Florida politics

FPL, Florida's Power company has already spent nearly a quarter of a million dollars to get one Republican defeated in the primaries and is ready to spend up to a million more to get him defeated if he makes it to the general elections.

According to the state Division of Elections database, that single $225,000 donation was the largest FPL has made to any political party or group during the past decade.

"They don't want somebody who's going to fight for the people to win this race," said Crist, who has angered the utility by opposing some of its attempts to pass on increased costs to consumers. "You'd have thought it would be much smarter to use that money to make sure their poles don't fall down after a hurricane."

Outrageous. And I wondered why my bill nearly doubled starting in June. Funny, I thought it was the increased fuel costs. Or the after effects from the hurricanes... That's MY money they are spending and I find it completely unacceptable.

Here's another lovely one. G-d chooses the leaders and evidently he only likes Christians. Thanks Katherine, I had no idea. Don't worry, you never had my vote in the first place.

Max lost his first tooth!

It's been loose all summer.... in the beginning he wouldn't wiggle it

or evenlet us talk about it but for the last week he's been really

ready for it to come out... and tonight he wrapped a washcloth around

it & gave it a tug and out it came!

6.5 years old... 1st tooth

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Saturday, August 12, 2006

Jacob is swimming too!!!

I am so glad we moved into a complex with a pool - I am now the mama of three little swimmers!!

Ben's been swimming since around the same time he could walk but neither of the other two would even try!

Max used to try a little and then either we'd wait too long before going to a pool again or he'd get scared... also he's the type of person who won't attempt something till he knows he will do it and do it well and not fail at all.

Jacob if he ever ventured into the pool at all, which was rare, he certainly wouldn't leave the steps.

We moved into this place what, three weeks ago?

We've been going to the pool in the complex every single afternoon.

Max started swimming within the week, although he won't leave the shallow end, he's jumping in and swimming back and forth like he's been doing it forever.

By about a week Jake started walking over to the wall, which was pretty major for him, and two days ago he started swimming with a noodle across his chest and under his arms.

Today out of the blue he starts swimming!! I can't believe it!! I'm just busting with joy

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Wednesday, August 09, 2006

First day of school!!!

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