Friday, May 26, 2006


Yesterday was my little preemie twins' last day of kindergarten. sniff sniff. Where oh where does the time go???

Still don't know anything more about what is happening next, but that's OK. Pretty sure *something* is happening...

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Today's the day?

Hoping I find out today what the immediate future holds. Might be moving soon.

In two days my big boys are done with Kindergarten! I can hardly believe it. Camp starts right up, which is perfect. They are excited about camp & Jacob is excited to start Kindergarten next year.

We'll be seperating the twins next year in first grade. Hopefully this is the best decision - I never ever feel like I know if I am making the correct decisions - one of the things I hate about life. sigh.

I feel like Ben is held back by Max. And Max is just always so unhappy - I have no idea what to do about that. I am hoping that what may lie in store for next year might help....

Tuesday, May 02, 2006


Once again weeks have gone by without me posting... sigh. I really have nothing to write about though. We had a fantastic Passover - we hosted the second seder and it was just lovely. Very meaningful!

The local area midwives just passed a resolution that they can attend a VBAC with a prior VBAC which is fantastic news!

uh, OK that's all I can think of....