Monday, January 30, 2006

Celebrate Jewish Life Festival

We went to a great event at the Boynton Beach JCC yesterday. The morning was two workshops for parents and teachers (and teachers had two more workshops in the afternoon) followed by a free (!) Craig Taubman concert and a family fun day co-sponsored by a local parenting magazine.

The two workshops were great - making family story books and acting out Bible stories.

In the bible story photos we are dressed as slaves in Egypt. We also made up a dance to Avadim Hainu - which I can totally see doing at the Passover seder this year.

At the concert Ben runs up to the stage and asks Craig Taubman to play "The Deli Song" (real name Deli-ightful) and he said "only if you come up here and sing it with me. It was TOO CUTE. I did not have my camera and these pictures were emailed to me. I can't seem to resize them properly. On my screen they looked too big and then I think I made them too small as a result. Oy.

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Wednesday, January 18, 2006

I heart Disney

We just got back from a last minute quick trip to Disney World. I have so much fun planning the trips and deciding where to eat. Luckily my husband and kids love it all too!
Here are Jake and Max trying on funny hats at World of Disney in Downtown Disney.

Too much Mickey makes you Goofy! Goofy's just a little taller than Ed :)

Jake, Ben, and Max with Goofy.

Enjoying Mickey bars right before the afternoon parade.

Sorry about the quality of the pictures. I took them on my cell phone.<

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year!

Yay! It's the return of the annual New Year's Day brunch! After a five year (!) hiatus we had a wonderful brunch with lots of new friends and relatives.
I served some delicious dishes - latkes made with yukon, russet & sweet poatoes (and carrots & sweet onions), challah french toast casserole with etrog marmalade. I couldn't get the marmalade to set when I made it so I kept adding pectin & sugar. Needless to say I had a heck of a time spreading it on the bread last night.
Evidently my new friends are not drinkers - have a ton of rum punch & bloody marys left .
Looking forward to continuing the tradition.