Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Finally finally did some scrapping

I am all caught up from January now! Thank goodness, as those pictures were sitting on my craft table mocking me everytime I went into the garage to do laundry. Just what I needed, another reason to avoid doing laundry!

My friend sent me a care package with a bunch of pretty scraps of paper and I was finally inspired to get moving

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The Craig Taubman concert! Used a tag from the Jewish Scrappers tag swap

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Planting parsley seeds on Tu B'Shevat. I printed the words to The Garden Song" (inch by inch, row by row...) on the green paper. It looks really pretty in 12x12...

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The twins' birthday. My friend made that tag in a swap.

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Purim - Making Hamentachen & one of Max's costumes. The title is from a Jewish Scrappers' swap. The patterned paper is from my friend's care package.

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I made this title a looong time ago and then never used it. It was perfect for the March of Dimes Walk America page I wanted to do. I made t-shirts for the boys with an iron on picture from when they were born with their name, gestational age and weight at the top and "that was me then" all printed on the back & on the front it said "and this is me now!"

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Passover. Like those frog punchies? This morning there was a frog in the garage! Coincidence? I think not...

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Jacob's graduation from Pre-K. I need to add something to this page - I want to buy white rub on letters.

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A photo of my best friend's and my feet after a pedicure! I've been meaning to do this LO forever. It came out great. Needs some journaling though.

Friday, June 09, 2006

Cute Cute Cute

So I got a sweet LLL coloring sheet today that I gave to the kids and we started talking about how they nursed. Ben weaned when I was pregnant with Jacob because my milk dried up, but Max kept nursing. So they wanted to know how long they nursd and some other things and I told Ben he weaned because I was pregnant with Jacob and he said "Mooom (you know how they say that), you SHOULD have grown a third boobie!" bwahaha

And then Jacob wanted to know if he nursed on "Ben's boobie" :)

On that note here is one of their latest favorite jokes:

"what kind of bee makes milk?"

"a BOO-bee"
