Monday, July 11, 2005

The perfect formula!

A while back I wrote about Brad Guigar's comic strip, Greystone Inn and the great attachment parenting story line he had going on! I'm thrilled that he just sent me an email that he published all the strips into a book! what a great way to get the message accross about all things natural parenting related that Mac and Sam went through. The book is called Prodromal Teeth, and Other Perils of Pregnancy and Parenthood and can be preordered for $8. When I was looking at his site I noticed he also put part of that awesome "perfect baby formula" strip onto a t-shirt, mug, etc at cafe press! Too funny... I might just have to get a mug....

Friday, July 08, 2005

Where did all the pictures go?

I am sorry to say I had to remove the gallery from my site. It came to my attemtion that a diaper fetish site has been stealing pictures of babies in diapers, including from my site. I chose to take all the images down as a result. I apologize to any parents whose pictures might have been on there but I could not allow this. Please see Diaper for more information