Thursday, May 19, 2005
Saturday, May 07, 2005
So on Fathers' Day do you think they'll honor a single mom?
Hey, guys, we get ONE DAY A YEAR. Could ya just let us have it? Huh?
Okay some other things bugging me as long as I'm on the subject.
This kid in Georgia suspended because his mom called from Iraq during school hours. Nice, huh? There's a problem here. A few problems. We want the soldiers, we support the war, we put yellow magnets on our cars... for what? Support our troops, right? And don't get me started about zero tolerance policies.
George Bush thinks you are "better off" if you make more than $20,000 a year. Boy is he out of touch or what? And Laura Bush is a Desperate Housewife? Please. This cartoon says what I am thinking better than I ever could.

One more while I'm in a bad mood (yeah the house is a mess and mother's day is tomorrow and I waited to long to make a brunch reservation. what can I say.)
I know this is slightly old news but Sesame Street announced Cookie Monster will eat less cookies. BUT they still have McDonalds as a sponsor. hmmmm.
Okay so it's not all gloom and doom look at the family portrait I had done today.
It's missing two of my kids but that's okay, I'm pretty pleased with it.

Sunday, May 01, 2005
A community of women
I just had a lovely Women's Seder at my house. The seder needs work so if you are planning on using it next year, email me - I might have a new improved version by then. Or take what I put together and improve on it yourself.
I had at my home, in my new town, a midwife, a IBCLC who is also an MD (family practioner), a daughter of a Rabbi, an a Jewish Educator. And I was worried I wouldn't meet people and there would be no Jewish life in this small town ;)
Honestly, I am very excited and I hope we can make this a regular thing - maybe even a Rosh Hodesh group. Three of the women have small babies around the same age and two of the women have boys around the same age as my boys. Not only are we all Jewish but we all practice attachment parenting.
So I'm happy. And drinking leftover wine :)