Sunday, April 24, 2005

Walk America - March of Dimes

I'm feeling conflicted, but not TOO conflicted.

I am participating in The March Of Dimes Walk America next week. My twins were born 11 weeks early and while I am quite unhappy (still!) about their time in the NICU and how things went I am not an unrealistic person. I know that they were very lucky to be born in the year 2000 at a hospital with a level III NICU and that even 20 years ago babies born at 29 weeks did not always survive. I know that March of Dimes is to be thanked personally for many of the medications and technologies that saved my preemies.

Here's a page of pictures of the boys in the NICU. They sure were tiny.

Okay, so why am I feeling conflicted? Well one of the corporate sponsors of the Walk is Mead Johnson, makers of infant formula. Who needs breastmilk more than preemies? Did you know the the mother of a premature baby makes different milk than the mother of a full term baby? And did you know that the IQ advantage that breastmilk gives is even more dramatic in preemies? And that breastmilk helps reduce the risk of getting NEC a serious and potentially fatal condition in preemies?

Well, here's hoping that walkers can raise enough funds that they can tell Mead Johnson they don't need them. Ahhh wishful thinking. Anyway here's my personal donation page if anyone wants to donate. You can also email them and let them know what you think.

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Baby Carriers!

I'm in love! Nothing and I mean nothing has made me want more children before. I am done. I have three little boys and I am happy. My husband would like a little girl (awww) but I feel our family is complete. I go to LLL meetings, I hold babies, I go home. Everyone's happy.

Until now. I just hosted a "babywearing party" I want a new baby to buy a pouch, sling, mai tai, wrap, and ergo for! Two women came to do the demo - here are their sites so you can peruse their fabulous wares Heather from Ragamufyn and Ellen from Sand Wraps. You should have seen this handmade PINK silk brocade pouch Heather brought. sigh.

I will sublimate this desire by buying or making one of each carrier mentioned above and show women at LLL meetings how to wear their babies. I found great instructions on the Mamatoto website.